Aidan, 8k vs Practise, 2d (1st part)
2012-05-02 21:32:42This is an ASR league even game with a wide range of ranks to
demonstrate what kyu players do that the dans look much better. Enjoy
19 - One of the examples - move that makes the efficiency at once,
disabling white to push up to A, which would make an extreme moyo for
white, so in fact, Black 19 is the only move here,
30 - it is not really neccessary to reply Black sagari at 30 here, Much
better would be connecting at A, which would prevent Black from further
jumping to the center, getting a wall there.
31 - naturally
33 - this move separates White groups, also making the White right side
look overstretched
36 - it would be wiser for White to either extend along the
overstretched side or tenuki at B
38 - should have been at 41, avoiding the cut and maintaining good
shape; what follows is a natural for Black
48 - solid, but here, White is behind and should tenuki, although it
could mean Black stretching here furthermore
56 - this is dangerous, White could safely continue at 57
62 - no need to fear playing A, separating Black
64 - the sequence up to 67 completes Black wall, White should have do
something against this happening, 64 at 68 could be one possibility
100 at
72 - too much fear, tenuki would be appropriate
73 - the Black wall is monstrous now
74 - at last tenuki
76 - too late
79 - threatens cut, but left unnoticed
91 - from now on, White starts following Black wherever he moves,
except a move that will be reviewed in the second half of the review
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